Your proposal

Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia. Photo: Nur Syafiqah
UNDP seeks five or more innovative solutions with the following attributes. These attributes constitute part of the scoring assessment.
Your proposal the main attribute section image
Perhentian-saaret, Terengganu, Malaysia. Photo: Abdelrahman Ismail

The main attribute

Innovation: The waste management process should include a considerable proportion of innovative technology, ideas, or methods. It should do one or more of the following:

  • Turn waste into a product of value
  • Make waste reusable in a sustainable tourism operation
  • Significantly increase waste processing efficiently and/or decrease resources used to process waste
  • Prevent or minimize waste at its source
  • Decrease harmful byproducts of waste processing
  • Includes processes that are proven to contribute to net zero
Other features we seek
  • Partnership: An innovative solution must foster partnership between two or more local actors (including but not limited to partnership, co-funding, joint programmes) to safeguard or minimise the impact of tourism on the environment, enhance community well being and local socio-economic conditions.
  • Local actors: Local actors can be local government, local community association (Village community organisation – JPKK, Cooperative), local non-government organisation (NGO), civil society organisation (CSO where the project will be implemented.
  • Sustainability: The project should demonstrate self sustainability by the end of the agreed support period. This requires achieving sufficient scale and increasing efficiency and impact.
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Should show a demonstrable impact on one or more of the the SDGs.
  • Scalability potential: The proposed project must have a potential for financial, social and environmental sustainability and scale-up, increasing the benefit to target communities. Projects should consider how their solutions may be replicated in multiple settings for broader impact.
  • Gender inclusiveness: Innovations should include a focus on ensuring gender equity. Applicants must ensure that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equality and equity are central to the proposed innovation.
  • Expertise and capacity to implement the project: Applicants must demonstrate their capacity to implement their proposed project. They will need to demonstrate adequate material, human and other non-financial resources to implement the proposed project within the set timeframe.

United Nations Development Programme


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