Perhentian-saaret, Terengganu, Malaysia. Photo: Abdelrahman Ismail
Is there any limit to how many entities can join as a team via one application?
There is no limit to the number of entities that can apply on one application. However, each entity should bring value to the proposed solution.
What is the process after we submit an application? For example, will we be asked for a presentation?
If your application is shortlisted, you will be contacted by email. You will then make a presentation to a judging panel.
Is the reward paid in stages according to milestones achieved or paid as a lump sum upfront?
The award will be paid according to milestones achieved.
If the judges find the application interesting, but incomplete, will applicants have a chance to re-submit the application?

Submitted applications are considered final. Please ensure that you submit a completed application. However, should clarity required, UNDP reserved the rights to request for additional information and applicant may add accordingly.

Can I edit my application after it is submitted?
Which Malaysian islands can be targeted?
Any island affected by tourism and receiving visitors, whether for a day trip or overnight stay, may be eligible.
Can I support additional application materials such as video or slide decks?
Can I propose a pre-existing waste management project? Or do I need to submit a new project that has not yet launched?
No. You cannot submit a pre-existing waste management project that has been implemented in Malaysia. The project submitted must be an innovative solution to Malaysia.
Who is on the judging panel?
Representatives comprising members from the UNDP Sustainable Tourism Technical Advisory Committee, including individuals from government, private sector/practitioners, academia, NGOs, and the UN.
What is the minimum and maximum prize amount offered?
There’s no limit to the minimum, however the maximum price is USD40k (subject to UN exchange rate).
What type of waste management solutions will be considered? Are there particular themes or topic areas?
Referring to the overview, the project seeks to address waste management, including but not limited to plastic waste, food waste, water pollution, and carbon emissions. You need to be able to demonstrate the impact of waste and pollution on the environment, visitors, and communities.
Are participants expected to make a minimum financial contribution to the proposed project? If so, will participants that make financial contributions be given priority?
Yes, participants are expected to make a minimum financial contribution through in-kind / parallel funding of minimum 20%. No, priority shall not be given due to financial contribution; it will solely based on attribute criteria.
What types of costs will be covered by the prize money? For instance, does the prize money cover transport costs and salaries?
The typical items that can be covered by the innovation challenge may include but not limited to:
  • No more 50% staff salaries
  • technology, design, business, development and other consultancy services
  • advisory inputs
  • small equipments and supplies
  • trainings and workshop expenses
  • other costs, including travel cots related to the project implementation
Expenses should be predicted to reflect the project goals and should be clearly justified in accordance with the project objectives. Only expenditures accrued during the project in accordance with the project plan in line with project objectives necessary for achieving project outcomes and completed by the end of the project are eligible for financing. All agreements with subcontractors or third parties must be submitted with the application and must contain provision that the applicant and UNDP retains ownership of all new intellectual property and know-how that may be created during the implementation of the project.
Will my application data be treated confidentially?
Yes, application data shall be treated confidentially. However, winners will be announced for transparency purposes.
I have questions about my application. Can I contact anyone for support?
Do contact UNDP project team: faizal.adli.zainudin@undp.org
Will we receive feedback on our application?
You will receive general feedback for unsuccessful applicants.
If my application is successful, who will provide technical guidance to implement the project?
UNDP together with the Sustainable Tourism Technical Advisory Committee shall be guiding the project implementation.
Redang Island, Pulau Redang, Malaysia. Photo: Nazarizal Mohammad/Unsplash

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