Up to USD$40,000

Per prize award

All Malaysian actors eligible

2 September 2024

Application deadline


Prizes to award

The mission?

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Government of Malaysia are funding innovative waste management solutions for Malaysian islands.
Perhentian Islands, Terengganu, Malaysia. Photo: Hongbin/Unsplash

Why now?

The goal is enhanced sustainable practices that enable local communities and Government to move towards sustainable tourism in Malaysia.

Why should you apply?

The challenge is open to local government, local community associations, and local non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations where the proposed project will be implemented.
Pulau Sapi, Malaysia. Photo: Takashi Miyazaki/Unsplash

Benefits to your organisation


Funding to implement your proposed project


Technical assistance to develop your proposed project


Consideration for future engagement with other UNDP initiatives

Your timeline

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Ready to move Malaysia towards sustainable tourism?

Talk to the team.

"This innovation challenge is part of UNDP's efforts to bring new waste management ideas to the country's islands. These islands are major biodiversity hubs, vital tourism locations. Together, we must ensure their sustainability."
Norhafiza Shafie
Project Manager, Sustainable Tourism Project
"Waste management is a constant struggle on destination islands, which often lack proper infrastructure to maintain and establish holistic waste management systems. The rising influx of human activity further compounds this complex problem. As Malaysian islands are major biodiversity hubs and vital tourism locations, we must work towards co-developing solutions that can protect their sustainability."
Niloy Banerjee
Resident Representative of UNDP Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam